Vocational College & Primary School

The project sits on a 2 acre plot in South Delhi and is adjacent to many other established Institutional buildings. The challenge here was to house a primary school, a vocational college, a hostel and a public auditorium, while maintaining the green character of the site. Our intent with planning was to provide adequate space and privacy to each function, while identifying opportunities wherein certain amenities/ spaces could be shared by all users potentially at different times of the day, thereby utilising the potential of the site and the built spaces to the fullest. The blocks are planned around two courtyards, with the programmes divided vertically across the buildings. The courtyards, to be used by the primary school pupil, are designed such that they can be used as an enclosed play area, on days when the pollution levels in the city are dangerous/ hazardous. We found inspiration in the German fable ‘The Musicians of Bremen’ for the massing, on how all the functions come together with the massing getting lighter as we move up, but making its presence felt stronger and more robust. Terraces are provided at various intermediate levels to make all spaces feel closer to ground, with varying landscape themes responding to the users, but always adding to the green character of the site. The facade materials chosen are exposed brick, concrete and glass; the language of these materials is adapted through subtle details for the institutional (primary school and vocational college) and for the residential areas, while allowing the different facades to respond to the solar radiation, light levels required and views.


Mangrove House


Project Three